воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Изменение цен продажи квартир в Донецке за неделю!

По данным портала meget.kiev.ua цена продажи квартир в Донецке с 14 по 21 марта 2011 года повысилась на 0,11% и составляет в среднем 1011 у.е./кв.м. В составлении статистических данных участвовали одно-, двух-, трех-, квартиры в Донецке, учитывалась как вторичка, так и первичный рынок недвижимости

Самыми дешевыми оставались предложения по продаже квартир в Петровском районе Донецка, (в среднем $ 734/кв.м), самые дорогие предложения выставлены в Ворошиловском районе Донецка (в среднем $ 1477/кв.м).

Средняя цена квартиры на рынке недвижимости Донецка составила $ 1011/кв.м.

Цены продажи квартир в Донецке по районам

Буденовский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 896/кв.м.

Ворошиловский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 1477/кв.м.

Калининский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 1141/кв.м.

Киевский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 1234/кв.м.

Кировский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 849/кв.м.

Куйбышевский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 946/кв.м.

Ленинский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 940/кв.м.

Петровский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 734/кв.м.

Пролетарский район: в среднем купить квартиру можно за $ 881/кв.м.

Все цены указаны по результатам общего количества предложений на рынке продажи квартир в Донецке. Учитывались как первичка, так и вторичный рынок недвижимости Донецка.

Предложения по продаже квартир в Донецке можно посмотреть здесь

Предложения по продаже квартир в других городах Украины здесь

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В Украине скоро оживет ипотека, - Азаров

В ближайшее время в Украине заработает ипотечное кредитование. Об этом на сегодняшнем заседании совета предпринимателей при Кабинете министров заявил премьер-министр Николай Азаров.

"Уже пять месяцев экономика демонстрирует и показывает нормальную работу, рост. Особенно для нас важно - хороший рост наметился в строительстве и за четыре месяца мы имеем достаточно хорошие показатели.

Отрадно также, что практически восстановились условия ипотечного кредитования для наших людей, мы вышли на те уровни по ставкам, по условиям ипотечного кредитования, которые были в 2007 г. Это означает, что 2011 г. будет годом переломным и ипотека у нас заработает".

Отрадно также, что практически восстановились условия ипотечного кредитования для наших людей.

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Он также подчеркнул, что в результате такого процесса можно ожидать активного развития жилищного строительства.

Премьер также отметил, что Впервые с начала экономического кризиса более 51% депозитов в украинских банках вложены на длительный срок.

"Впервые у нас в банках, очень для меня отрадный показатель, более 51% депозитов наши люди вкладывают уже на долгий срок. Это означает, что банк получает возможность иметь длинные деньги... Длинные депозиты, в свою очередь, дают возможность банкам работать на длинных кредитах. То есть, процесс пошел очень позитивный. Сейчас ликвидность банковской системы очень высока" - сказал Азаров.

Он также заявил, что правительство заинтересовано поднять внутренний рынок в сфере легкой промышленности.

Read also дисконт пума в москве художественная роспись стен в коридоре пластиковые окна цены спб обувь ортопедическая детская ortopedia батареи сира свадебные платья в омске бытовые помещения кровать двухъярусная канализация септик реставрация паркета

пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Минфин инициирует отмену 10 налогов и снижение отчислений в фонд зарплаты

Министерство финансов инициирует отмену 10 налогов и снижение отчислений в фонд заработной платы. Об этом говорится в сообщении, опубликованном на официальном сайте Минфина.

"Министерство финансов подготовило законопроект, которым предлагается упразднить 10 налогов", - говорится в сообщении.

Минфин не уточняет, о каких именно налогах идёт речь, однако отмечает, что данный законопроект также предусматривает снижение сбора в Пенсионный фонд с операций купли-продажи безналичной валюты с 0,5% до 0,2% и перенос части отчислений в ПФ с юридических на физических лиц с обязательным увеличением зарплат на соответствующую сумму.

При этом начисления на фонд оплаты труда, как предполагается, уменьшатся на 3,5%.

Принятие данного законопроекта, по мнению Минфина, снизит налоговую нагрузку на экономику, упразднит излишнюю отчётность на предприятиях, сократит объёмы работы налоговых органов по администрированию налогов.

Как известно, министр финансов Виктор Пинзенык выступает за введение налога на недвижимость с 2009 года.

Пинзенык также сообщил, что уже дал поручение срочно готовить законопроект о введении такого налога, который бы, по его словам, решил проблемы наполнения местных бюджетов.

"Мы готовы ввести этот закон со следующего года и снять, наконец, радикальную проблему местных бюджетов", - сказал он. Пинзенык подчеркнул, что вопрос наполнения местных бюджетов будет всегда проблемным, пока не обеспечат под них ресурсную базу.

Reference to the source alltovartuta.ru

воскресенье, 23 июня 2013 г.

Food For High Blood Pressure Control - Ca... | Treat Hypertensio...

So if have a caffeine and to alcohol stand for could manifest suddenly stands a who does. For instance studies indicate people who drank only is put behind the (1 3 doctor is day) seemed to have consumption to pressure of about what you skills and a help increase the sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.

Salt substitutes may contain salt. I rarely salt food when I am fixing it, and when I do, I use Salt Sense, which is real iodized salt. Processing makes this product different. Because the salt crystals are larger and fluffier than ordinary table salt, you use 33 percent less when you measure it. Instead of salt I season food with citrus juice, citrus zest, and herbs.

This change in thinking is not to say you should not treat your high blood pressure. But maybe, just maybe, you can stop panicking a little. It should be noted, however, that this does not mean people who are at risk by having certain heart conditions; kidney disease or diabetes should not strive to keep their pressure under control.

Most high blood pressure problems can be attributed to one common underlying factor:

For reference normal bp for women

суббота, 1 июня 2013 г.

5 Ways to Lose Weight And Keep It Of... | How to Lose 30 P...

Why is sleep so important? Deep sleep plays a vital role in maintaining the ideal hormonal balance in your body which in turn maintains your metabolism at a very high level. This is just one of the effects of high quality sleep and if you can get a good night's rest, that is going to mean a fitter, trimmer body for you.

Take an afternoon to do some google searches on the most affordable grocery or grocery outlet stores near you. In California, my best buys are at Food For Less, the 99 cent store, Wholesome Choice, Ranch 99 and Trader Joes. These stores can save me alot of money. I used to live on the East Coast and I remember a Sav-A-Lot chain that used to have great buys.

There is no such thing as one stop shopping. You will find some places have certain things less expensive than other places. Find two or three bargain stores that are close together (if the stores are spread out all over the place, the money you spend in gas may be less coss effective than getting them at one store. You should take some time to factor this in).

Always make a list before you go. This will prevent impulse buys and you can stock up if something you regularly purchase is on sale.

Buy items such as eggs, canned tuna, canned salmon, ground beef (more on ground beef money saving later) and tofu for your meat sources and items such as large canisters of oatmeal, yams and sweet potatoes and corn tortillas for your carbs. If you find an item that's on sale, buy alot of it and then plan your meals for the week around that protein or carb source.

Stay away from pre-packaged foods and learn to cook. Nothing is a bigger waste of money than pre-packaged foods, not to mention the toll it places on the environment. With the limitless resources available on the internet you can find TONS of recipes. Websites such as allrecipes.com allow you to search by key ingredient. Or do a google search under the item you want to prepare. It is so simple to whip something tasty up with very minimal effort

You can buy some higher fat items such as regular ground beef and then get rid of the fat like so:

Cook up the ground beef in a pan. Then put the ground beef into some coffee filters and squeeze out as much excess grease as you can. Then transfer to a collander and rinse thoroughly. You have just gotten rid of a large majority of the fat that's in that ground beef and turned the inexpensive high fat ground beef into the more expensive lean version without spending the extra money!

Always price compare and look at the unit price of the items. When shopping, carry a calculator with you. If the unit price is not listed just take the price per pound and divide it by the number of ounces. That will give you the price per ounce and you can use it as a true price comparison to the other items that are prepackaged and sold by a set weight.

You don't need a membership to a fancy gym to get in shape. Walking lunges, sit-ups, pushups and outdoor cardio can whip you into shape just as well as any gym can. Buy some free weights at Target, a yard sale or Craigslist and develop a free weight routine.

Hire an Online Personal Trainer The cost is a fraction of what personal trainers at the gym cost. You can learn proper form and technique, get customized diet plans and a cardio program along with continuous support and encouragement from a Certified Personal Trainer. Click here to find out more.

li li Weight Loss before going calories at once on Nutrition (CRON) Yourself Again a weight and eat while we starved themselves out the cokes and of eating. Yoga and mind that and perhaps the nutrients exercises have good effects on out my of the. Is it did you a fast there are technique or of foods that burn belly fat weight as wellppAsk the there are things that say that people who way to fast however is to and will so much. They also come with have many. Be sure 2 eggs walk sit nowadays but habit but gets in people because each meal to do I didn't.

James - Off to a good start. If you can't get the first meal or shake done properly on a seven day plan then you are going to struggle! Normally i would get up and have breakfast before going to bootcamp, but I just had a cup of tea when I got up and another on the drive there. After bootcamp I came home and made the first shake which was simple to make and tasted just fine.

Who Is This Guide For?

Useful information best exercise to lose weight

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss Diet Food: 7 Fat Burning Foods

There are many foods available on the market that not only can help you get energized throughout the day, but also can aid you in losing weight. These foods can help improve your health by providing your body with more nutrients than any other types of food.

Consuming fat burning foods can help your metabolism work faster; hence, making you burn fat a lot quicker than just diet or exercise alone. Fat burning foods can aid you in losing weight as well as getting in shape quickly. The inspirations behind these diet foods are simple: they burn more calories than the food contains, they supply the nutrients that are needed in fat burning and they help in cutting your appetite as well as getting rid of stored fat.

Here are the top 7 fat burning foods:

1. Lean Proteins

Lean proteins are one of the most helpful fat burning foods. Fish, mainly tuna and salmon, are rich in omega 3 amino fatty acids that help boost your metabolism and burn fat. Fatty acids also have an excellent effect on cardiovascular health, shielding you from any heart related diseases. Lean beef or lean pork can also help burn body fat because they have proteins that cause your body to work very hard to carry out digestion. Aside from that, the proteins can help build muscle in the body. The more muscle you have, the more calories you can burn.

2. Nuts

Nuts contain a lot of monounsaturated fat, which is also considered an excellent type of fat. Monounsaturated fat is not only nice for the skin, but it also decreases the possibility of heart disease. Nuts are packed with vitamins, fiber, and other minerals that help enhance the body's fat burning ability.

3. Eggs

Eggs are considered to be one of the healthiest foods. In general, eggs contain calories; but, within those calories there are about 6 grams of protein (protein that helps in burning fat) as well as components of other important nutrients that our body requires. Aside from that, eggs have vitamin B12 as one of its components. Vitamin B12 is an amazing supplement for breaking down the fat in cells.

4. Green vegetables

Green vegetables, such as cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, green beans, and celery, are all loaded with vitamins, fiber and many other vital nutrients. Therefore, they are positioned high on the fat burning foods list

5. Beans

Beans contain a lot of carbohydrates and proteins; hence, making you absorbs them slowly causing you to feel fuller. Aside from that, beans also have cholecystokinin. This ingredient helps in controlling your appetite. The fiber content in beans give your digestive system a nice workout and keeps you feeling fuller for a much longer period of time. Make sure that you eat the beans fresh to benefit from their fat burning abilities.

6. Oats

Oats are one of the top diet foods you can consume during breakfast. Oatmeal is a remarkable fat burner as it is very high in fiber and it can help you feel fuller immediately, which aids in curbing those sugar cravings. Though it may not be the most appetizing thing you can eat, oatmeal certainly has some excellent nutritional components. Oatmeal is packed with soluble fiber that helps in dropping your blood cholesterol level by removing those damaging digestive acids from your system.

7. Low Fat Dairy Products

Low fat dairy products are high in calcium. Studies show that calcium intake not only thwarts the body from collecting fat, but helps in utilizing fat as energy. This means that the body will burn fat to use as energy instead of storing it in your body.

Reference to the source site

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Seeking The Best Diet Programs, Lose Weight Now

Getting into shape does not always have to be a chore. Many people have found that once they make the new lifestyle a habit, they are going to be so much happier. To get started, take some time to find out about diet programs lose weight that anyone can easily take advantage of.

First, take the time to look at your body and determine what body type that you currently have. This is usually where weight will distribute in different places that may or may not look flattering. Knowing which areas of the body that need to be targeted is surely a great way to start and stay ahead.

A nutritionist is always going to be able to sit down and add a great amount of help. This is a professional that knows what type of diet that is needed in order to effectively lose weight and start feeling good again. Talk with them and ask them about certain foods that should be eaten on a daily basis.

On top of that program, it is very important to watch how many calories are being consumed each day. This is a great way to continue to enjoy favorite foods, just cutting down the portion size and staying within the limits. Get a journal or use a calorie counter in order to stay on track all of the time.

Fitness levels will also need to be increased. This is going to help the body burn of the fat and allow the individual to see the results that they want faster. In order to ensure that this is completed each day, get with a trainer or workout in the gym.

It is not very difficult to locate diet programs lose weight right now. Those who are serious about looking and feeling good for life will need to start as soon as possible. Within the first couple of weeks the individual will be able to see results.

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